During this uncertain time of dealing with the Coronavirus (COVID 19) or with any communicable disease for that matter, people are especially interested in boosting their immune system. We have seen supplements fly off the shelves quicker than companies can make them. People are seeking anything that promises protection from super foods to essential oils and anything in between. But when we think about building our immune system, there are a few things to keep in mind. Let’s take a look at a few immune system facts.

Facts About Your Immune System:
- First we must understand what the immune system does and how it works. The immune system (comprised of several organs and different types of cells) is your defense system. It serves much like your home security system. It’s first job is to prevent intruders from getting in. This is the job of your skin, your mucous membranes and even the beneficial bacteria residing in and on your body. If this first line of defense does not prevent a pathogen (intruder) from getting through, then the body must activate an immune response. The response team is comprised of white blood cells, some proteins and other chemicals that respond by attacking and destroying the intruder. If it is an intruder the body has dealt with before, the army of defenders may be better prepared with the right weapons to destroy the intruder before any damage can be done. Likely this has happened many times and you were never even aware that your body was under attack. If your immune system is unfamiliar with the attacker (such as a new bacteria or virus), then it must first recognize it as an intruder and learn how to get rid of it. This intelligent immune response is referred to as adaptive immunity. We also have an innate immunity that we are born with that helps us fight off invaders early in life. If our immune response is working properly, we can prevent pathogens (intruders) from gaining access and/or keep them from doing damage once they get in.
- Second, we must realize the immune system needs to be balanced. If the immune system is underactive, it becomes too easy for intruders to gain access and wreak havoc in our body. If the immune system is overactive, it may start attacking healthy cells leading to an autoimmune condition. This is evident in immunotherapy where the treatment matches the condition. In the case of food allergies, the immune system is responding too aggressively to a particular food. By introducing the food in small quantities over time, the goal is for the immune system to recognize it as food not an intruder that must be destroyed. The collateral damage done to healthy cells when these otherwise harmless antigens are attacked leads to the devastating effects of overactive immune function. In the case of cancer, the goal is to build the immune system defenses by recognizing and attacking cancer cells while not harming healthy cells. Because the immune system must be balanced, I prefer the term “optimizing” rather than “boosting”.
- Third, we must provide the immune system with a few necessary ingredients for it to function optimally.
Malnutrition can result in a compromised immune system. Just as an army relies on its weapons, so an immune system relies on some essential nutrients. The good news is these nutrients are provided in a healthy balanced diet with a variety of foods from different food groups. The 6 classes of nutrients include carbohydrates, fat, protein, vitamins, minerals and water. Nutrients critical to the development and effective functioning of the immune system include vitamins A, C, B6, E as well as essential fatty acids, beta-carotene, and the minerals manganese, selenium, zinc, copper, iron, sulfur and magnesium. If any of these are lacking, it can impair the immune system’s ability to function optimally. Be sure to drink plenty of water as well. - Fourth, we must understand that lifestyle has a huge impact on immune function. An unhealthy lifestyle cannot be overcome by a few healthy foods or supplements. If you are overworked, stressed out, sleep deprived, overall pessimistic about life and malnourished due to poor dietary habits, do not expect your immune system to work properly. Once you give your body what it needs — like fresh air, deep breathing, exercise, recreation, good quality sleep and nourishing food — you will gain an automatic boost in healthy immune function.
To optimize your immune system, here are my recommendations:
- Eat a balanced diet including good quality foods from each food group to get all your nutrients. If this is not possible, I recommend a good quality multivitamin/mineral supplement to help fill the gaps.
- Relax. Stress impairs immune function. Find things you enjoy doing and don’t forget to plan some fun in your day.
- Be active. Movement helps stimulate the immune system. Try walking, biking, swimming or anything else that gets your blood pumping.
- Get outside. Fresh air and sunshine can do wonders for you. Make sure you are breathing deeply to get the most benefit.
- Focus on good quality sleep. Getting the recommended 6-8 or 7-9 hours of sleep a night won’t help if you are not getting a good quality sleep. You should feel refreshed after a good night sleep.
Take care of yourself. Avoid pathogens when possible and keep that immune system supported. If you do encounter those nasty viruses, give yourself a fighting chance of warding them off. To good health!