The recipes I select must meet certain guidelines to be included here. The only exception is Sweet Treats since those are meant to be enjoyed infrequently and in smaller quantities.
My purpose is to offer wholesome and delicious dishes that will fit into most diets and health goals. Real ingredients are a must. Whole foods are always best. I avoid the use of artificial sweeteners and highly processed oils and margarines. To help you better evaluate a recipe for your needs, I include nutrition information. I also note the presence of common food allergens for those with allergies or sensitivities. Substitution ideas are offered if appropriate. I hope you find these recipes delicious and satisfying.
All recipes are evaluated based on the 2020-2025 Dietary Guidelines for Americans and must:
- Be relatively low in saturated fat
- Contain 0 grams trans fat
- Be low to moderate in sodium (400 mg or less per serving)
- Contain minimal amount of added sugar and overall moderate in carbohydrates
- Contain some fiber (if applicable to the food)
- Not be excessive in calories (less than 600 calories per serving for main dishes and 200 calories or less for snacks and desserts.
Nutrition facts are given and include:
- Total Calories per servingĀ
- Total Fat and Saturated Fat
- Total Carbohydrates
- Sugars
- Dietary Fiber
- Protein
- Sodium
- Potassium
Recipes are original unless otherwise specified and may be shared with others with acknowledgement of the source. Recipes from other sources will be properly credited and if revised from the original, any modifications are noted.
Feedback is appreciated and comments are welcome for each recipe. Take a look at the recipe index.
Check out our most popular video recipe on YouTube here. If you try a recipe, let us know what you think. More recipes to come.