Struggling to lose weight? About 2/3 of the U.S. population need to shed extra pounds. Millions of people are spending big bucks and trying a variety of weight loss gimmicks but with little success at sustained weight loss. So why is it so hard to lose weight? From my observations, there seem to be some common denominators in those who struggle to lose weight. I have narrowed it down to my list of the top 5 reasons people can’t lose weight. If you or someone you know is trying to make numbers on the scale go down, see if any of these might be hindering progress.

- Drinking too many calories. Most people focus on what they are eating when trying to lose weight but often forget about calories they get from beverages. It is not uncommon for people to consume an extra 500 calories a day from soda, sweetened tea, flavored coffee, sports drinks, energy drinks, fruit juice or another sugar-containing beverage. Look at the calories in your drink and consider a zero-calorie option such as water, unsweetened tea or black coffee. This could save you a lot of unnecessary calories that may be sabotaging your weight loss efforts.
- Eating too Much.
So many diet books and programs focus on the type of foods you are eating and try to limit fat or carbohydrates. The problem is not the fats nor the carbohydrates but the quantity that we eat. We all need a certain amount of both in order to have a balanced (and enjoyable) diet. The problem comes when we indulge in too much of either. By limiting the quantity of any food, we are effectively limiting the number of calories from that food. And by choosing more low-calorie vegetables, we can fill up without over doing it. So, the next time you crave a piece of cheesecake, just remember, a small amount may not sabotage your diet but less is better when it comes to losing weight. - Stress.
People experiencing a lot of stress have a harder time controlling their weight. Stress increases our cortisol level. Cortisol can increase our appetite. If we eat more when we are stressed, cortisol works with insulin to store more fat. Chronic stress can cause us to put on unwanted pounds. Reducing stress by taking a walk, talking to a trusted friend, deep breathing, yoga, prayer, meditation or listening to music can help alleviate body stress. Finding other ways to feel better may help avoid overeating. Sometimes it is necessary to remove yourself from the stressor in order to take charge of your health. People often lose weight more easily when they quit a stressful job or get away from other stressful situations. Find what helps you. - Sedentary Lifestyle
When we do not exercise, we must eat less to control our weight. Being physically activity helps burn off extra calories. Maintaining a balance between energy intake (calories) and energy burned (activity) is necessary to maintain a healthy weight. It is much easier to eat 1,000 calories than it is to burn 1,000 calories. Due to the increased use of technology and lack of opportunities for exercise, I see all ages struggling to maintain a healthy weight. Try incorporating more movement into your daily routine. - Irregular Meal Schedule or Skipping Meals
How you eat is as important as what you eat. Skipping meals to save calories does not work. Most people tend to make up the extra calories later in the day because their body craves energy and nutrients. A healthier way to eat includes three balanced meals or five to six mini-meals throughout the day. Listening to your body and only eating when you feel hungry can work but only if you are in tune with your body. Some people can ignore the hunger feeling until they are no longer able to recognize it. Try eating something about every four to five hours throughout the day, avoid late night snacking and give your body twelve to fourteen hours from your last meal until you break the fast. This allows your body to burn stored fuel (fat) for energy while you sleep and can help you lose weight. Consistency is the key. Love your body by feeding it regularly and giving it what it needs.
Of course, there are other reasons people struggle to lose weight. This list is not meant to be all inclusive but only to highlight common struggles. There can be other issues related to hormone imbalances, thyroid problems, food intolerances, inflammation, medical conditions or even genetic factors. But these seem to be the exception rather than the rule. Start with the basics noted in the reasons listed above and see if making some small changes will help you achieve the results you desire. Losing weight is not easy and there are no quick fixes. Loving your body consistently in the right way each day will lead you toward a healthier tomorrow. To good health!
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